- the importance of critical thinking and learning through enquiry;
- a curriculum that is innovative and prepares students for the future, but pays due respect to tradition and accumulated wisdom;
- a strong pastoral system where every child feels known and valued;
- the building of confidence through challenges, successes and failures, outside as well as inside the classroom;
- teamwork and competition: the cultivation of House spirit and school pride;
- a high level of oracy developed through presentation, debate and performance;
- the essential importance of art, music, drama and sport;
- leadership and service in and outside school; and
- strong alumni links, a sense of humour, the enjoyment of quirky traditions!

At Eton College, prefects, known as members of Pop are allowed to wear a waistcoat of their own choosing and design.

*Christ’s Hospital, founded in 1552 continues to live out its orginal charitable foundation; most of its students, who all wear the uniform above, are from very modest homes and their fees paid for by the school; Gordonstoun was founded on progressive educational ideals in 1934 by a German Jewish emigré, Dr Kurt Hahn, arrested by the Nazis, but able to leave Germany. The school created what is now know as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme with the support of Prince Phillip, one of its first pupils who later sent his first son, Charles, there rather than the more traditional choice of Eton.